Are you new to homeschooling and feeling overwhelmed? Are you a veteran and in need of some inspiration? Do you want to learn more to classical education? Our yearly FREE 3-Day Parent Practicums offer encouragement, inspiration, and equipping to parents and interested educators. We are excited to offer this experience in Gadsden, AL! Each summer across the nation, parents at all stages of the homeschooling journey spend three days delving into the classical model of eduation and how to implement it at home. We also dig deeper into a specific subject, discovering the truths behind the facts and becoming students ourselves! We learn new ideas, we begin to understand how to identify and fill in the gaps in our own educations, and we wrestle with big ideas in the company of a like-minded community; in short, we practice learning classically! Our theme for 2015 -- Drawing Out the Truth: The Art of Inquiry. Join us as we examine how to inspire our children to look for God in their study of science and the world around them. And don't miss out on the chance to enroll your children in our affordable children's camps during the three days. More than just childcare, these academic and play camps make practicum a place where kids learn too, with topics like geography, drawing, and science and public speaking.
Wednesday Jun 24, 2015 Friday Jun 26, 2015
Wednesday -Friday June 24-26, 2015 9 am -4 pm
Cornerstone Church 530 Chestnut Street Gadsden, AL 35901
Free Homeschool Training and Equipping for Adults Optional Student Academic Camps - $42.00 per child for all 3 days.
Trish Huie
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