Chamber 102
Explore in greater detail your online Chamber account to get optimum benefit from your membership!
Bring a brown bag and explore how to upload images, how to design and enhance online coupon, add job listings, and how to add images and You Tube videos to your events!
Class is limited to 12 participants each. Participants will meet in the computer lab for hands-on training. Pre-registration is REQUIRED. You must complete Chamber 101 prior to enrolling in this class, or verify that you already have a very strong knowledge of use of your account. This will be a faster-paced class based on the assumption you already know the basics of your account benefits.
The course is FREE and is available to MEMBERS ONLY.
Thursday May 22, 2014
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Generally the fourth Thursday of the month except for when otherwise scheduled/noted.
Gadsden Public Library
Included in Membership Dues!
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